Personal Reflection: What do I see? Today's Date:.Step 1 : Look at yourself in the mirror for 5 seconds.Step 2: Write down/Reflect on the following:.
A. What positive adjective do I think of when I say my name or look at myself in the mirror? _______________________________________.B. What are 5 things I like about myself.1. ____________________________________.
2. ____________________________________.3. ____________________________________.
4. ____________________________________.5. ____________________________________.C.
What are 5 things I am good at? (Hobbies etc.).1. ______________________________________.2. ______________________________________.
3. ______________________________________.4. ______________________________________.
5. _______________________________________.D. What are 2 challenges/obstacles that I am facing in my life.1. ______________________________________ 2.
_____________________________.What steps can I take to overcome them?.1. ______________________________________2. ______________________________.
E. What is my legacy? How do I want to be remembered?.______________________________________________________________________________ Personal Reflection: What do I see? (One Year Later) Today's Date:.
Step 1 : Look at yourself in the mirror for 5 seconds.Step 2: Write down/Reflect on the following:.A. What positive adjective do I think of when I say my name or look at myself in the mirror?._______________________________________.B.
What are 5 things I like about myself.1. ____________________________________.2. ____________________________________.
3. ____________________________________.4. ____________________________________.
5. ____________________________________.C. What are 5 things I am good at? (Hobbies etc.).
1. ______________________________________.2. ______________________________________.3.
______________________________________.4. ______________________________________.5. _______________________________________.D.
What are 2 challenges/obstacles that I am facing in my life.1. ______________________________________ 2.
_____________________________.What steps can I take to overcome them?.1. ______________________________________2. ______________________________.
E. What is my legacy? How do I want to be remembered?._____________________________________________________________________________.(Have your answers changed? How?).
.Mary Pat's life has been dedicated to serving those in need, physical, emotional and spiritual. Her work reflects her strength, spirituality, love of nature and sincere heart as she walks this journey we call life. Mary Pat holds a B.A.
in Religious Studies along with a M.S. in Experiential Education.
By: Mary Pat Nally