How to Shift Gears Change Careers and Become a Yoga Teacher Part - How would you pay your bills by teaching Yoga for a living? Everyone needs a certain amount of income to live on and Yoga teachers are no different.

Ten Ways to Improve Your Listening Skills - Active listening is really an extension of the Golden Rule.

Mantra Yoga Significance of Mantras - The word yoga brings to mind, especially in the West, a system of exercises beneficial for physical and mental health.

Refineries in Pennsylvania Flooded Sweet Crude Prices will Hit - Blame it on the weather.

Sweet Surrender - Sweet surrender? Not me.

Loving Yourself Are You A Caterpillar Or A Butterfly - How is your relationship with yourself? Do you have a relationship with you? I encourage you to ponder into the deep side of you and meditate upon the mysteries of who you are, or better yet, of whom you can become.

The Zen of Dating Lessons from My Maple Trees - I'm just going to admit something to you that you may think is plain silly, but somehow I never knew, until this week, that maple trees have flowers.

The Mirror of SelfReflection - If you find yourself waiting around during the day or at night for a chance to flash your genitalia at someone, you may want to ask yourself why you want to do that.

Relationship Advice for Dating Singles - Are you a dating single looking for relationship advice that will help you create a lasting romance? Are you tired of the dating world, tired of being single, and longing to have a relationship that lasts more than a season?.

What You Should Know About Corrosion - Corrosion causes a lot of problems in maintenance.

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